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Because we do this in our spare time this site may have glitches or not enough information on a subject if you would like to contact us please send an email to fallen_knights@ellienterra.htmlplanet.com. Also if you would be so kind it would help us if you could put in the subject whether it was a complaint, suggestion, or comment.

Here is the text version of Athatar.gdf


Here are other sites you might enjoy

/http://www.d20srd.org/index.htm      For all the question about rules not covered here 

    on this site or for more information about d20 open source.

Giant In the PlaygroundGiant in the Playground: 

fun comics

Interesting Ideas

For how to start character creation check out this site http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/reviews/dnd3_ph.html
and scroll down to the Character Creation heading