Version=3 * The version information above MUST be the first line of the data file Description=This data file contains information taken from the GURPS Star Wars Sourcebook and Sentient Species 2nd Edition. Program=4.0.371 Requires="GURPS Basic Set 4th Ed.--Characters.gdf" LoadAfter="GURPS Bio-Tech 4e.gdf","GURPS High-Tech 4e.gdf", "GURPS Martial Arts 4e.gdf", "GURPS Powers 4e.gdf","GURPS Space.gdf","GURPS Spaceships 2 Traders, Liners, and Transports 4e.gdf","GURPS Supers 4e.gdf", "GURPS Power-Ups 1 Imbuements 4e.gdf", "GURPS Power-Ups 2 Perks 4e.gdf", "GURPS Ultra-Tech 4e", "phobias.gdf" Incomplete=Yes [AUTHOR] ****************************************************************************************************************** * GURPS(R) Character Assistant * Filename: Athatar.GDF * Created: October 29, 2010 * * Requires GCA v b4.0.371 or later! * * This data file contains information taken from the GURPS 4th Edition Star Wars Sourcebook and Sentient Species. * The items are sorted in the same way as they appear in the sourcebook. * * Information in this file includes: * Advantages, Perks * Disadvantages, Quirks * Modifiers * Skills * Groups * Equipment * Templates ****************************************************************************************************************** * If you find any errors, omissions or solutions in this file please contact the Data File creator at: * * Contact: * * Updates can be found at: * * * * Known problems: * * Templates: * Some Templates show a red P for not having all the Prerequisites. This is not correct. Simply add the Template as normal and when finished, delete only the Template while remaining all features. * Barabel - Advantages keep counting 28 while this should be 33. * Brubb - Advantages keep counting -1 while this should be 29. * Herglic - Not finished with Racial Reputation. ****************************************************************************************************************** * GURPS is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, * used with GCA by permission of Steve Jackson Games. All rights reserved. * * The GURPS game is copyright (c) 1986-1989, 1991-2009 by Steve Jackson * Games Incorporated. This product includes copyrighted material from the * GURPS game, which is used by permission of Steve Jackson Games * Incorporated. All rights reserved by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. ****************************************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************************************** [Templates] Dwarves, displaycost(40), cost(0), cat(Racial Templates), description(), page(Ath ?), race(Dwarf), noresync(yes), owns(yes), adds(_ {AD:Artificer}=1, {AD:Extended Lifespan}=1, {AD:Lifting ST}=2, {AD:Night Vision}=5, {PE:Alcohol Tolerance}, {DI:Greed} _ with {You resist on a roll of 15 or less (almost all the time), *0.5,shortname(15 or less),group(Self-Control),page(B121),level(1)}, {DI:Workaholic}_ ), creates(_ {AD:Detect (Gold), 5/10/20/30,mods(Detect),levelnames(Rare, Occasional, Common, Very Common),upto(4),page(B48),mode(Perceive|Analyze),skillused(Perception|IQ), cat(Exotic Physical, Exotic, Mental, Physical, Exotic Mental)}=1 _ with {Vague, -50%,group(Detect),page(B48),level(1)}, {AD:HT Bonus from Dwarves, 10, gives(+1.0 to ST:HT)}, {AD:ST Bonus from Dwarves, 10, gives(+1.0 to ST:ST)}, {AD:Will Bonus from Dwarves, 5, gives(+1.0 to ST:Will)}, {DI:Size Modifier Penalty from Dwarves, 0, gives(-1 to ST:Size Modifier)}_ ) Elf High, displaycost(34), cost(0), cat(Racial Templates), description(), page(Ath?), race(Elf), noresync(yes), owns(yes), adds(_ {AD:Appearance}=1, {AD:Elven (Native)}, {AD:Elvish}=3 _ with {"Native Language", -6,gives(=+1 to ST:Native Languages),formula(-@if(AD:Language Talent > 0 then 4 else 6)),forceformula(yes),group(Language),page(B23),level(1),valuenum(-6)}, {AD:Musical Ability}=1, {AD:Perfect Balance}, {AD:Unaging}, {DI:Code of Honor (Elven)}_ ), creates(_ {DI:Dependency (Life Stone Radiation), -5/-10/-20/-30,mods(Dependency),levelnames(Very Common, Common, Occasional, Rare),page(B130),upto(4),tl(),usernotes(),familiarities(), cat(Exotic, Physical, Exotic Physical)}=2 _ with {"Frequency Needed: Weekly", *2,shortname(Weekly),group(Dependency),page(B130),level(1),valuenum(2)}, {DI:Reputation (Arrogant), -5/-10,mods(Reputation, Reputation Disadvantage),page(B27),upto(4),conditional(-1 to ST:Reaction, +1 to SK:Indimidation when "your reputation counts", -1 to SK:Intimidation when "your reputation works against you"), cat(Mundane, Social, Influence, Mundane Social)}=1 _ with {"Frequency of Recognition: All the time", *1,shortname(All the time),group(Reputation),level(1),valuenum(1)} _ and {"People Affected: Almost everyone in your game world", *1,shortname(Almost everyone),group(Reputation),level(1),valuenum(1)}, {AD:DX Bonus from Elf High, 20, gives(+1.0 to ST:DX)}, {AD:IQ Bonus from Elf High, 20, gives(+1.0 to ST:IQ)}, {DI:ST Penalty from Elf High, -10, gives(-1.0 to ST:ST)}_ ) Elf Temporal, displaycost(39), cost(0), cat(Racial Templates), description(), page(Ath ?), race(Elf, Temporal), noresync(yes), owns(yes), adds(_ {AD:Appearance}=1, {AD:Elven (Native)}, {AD:Elvish}=2 _ with {Native Language, -6,gives(=+1 to ST:Native Languages),formula(-@if(AD:Language Talent > 0 then 4 else 6)),forceformula(yes),cat(Language),page(L7),group(Language),level(1)}, {AD:Enhanced Time Sense} _ with {Magic Power, -10%,group(_Power Modifiers),page(F159),level(1)} _ and {Always On, -10%/-20%/-40%/-50%,levelnames(effects are social or cosmetic, effects are physically inconvenient, effects are dangerous, effects are horribly inconvenient and/or very dangerous),upto(4),group(_General),page(B110),level(1)}, {AD:Magery 0}, {AD:Musical Ability}=1, {AD:Perfect Balance}, {AD:Unaging},un {DI:Code of Honor (Elven)}, {DI:Curious} _ with {You resist on a roll of 12 or less (quite often), *1,shortname(12 or less),group(Self-Control),page(L10),level(1)}, {DI:Status}=1, {SK:Piloting (Contragravity)}=1.0pts_ ), creates(_ {DI:Dependency (Life Stone Radiation), -5/-10/-20/-30,mods(Dependency),levelnames(Very Common, Common, Occasional, Rare),page(B130),upto(4), cat(Exotic, Physical, Exotic Physical)}=2 _ with {Frequency Needed: Weekly, *2,shortname(Weekly),group(Dependency),page(B130),level(1)}, {DI:Duty (Shloneer Pilots), -2/-5/-10/-15,mods(Duty),page(B134),upto(4),levelnames("6 or less (quite rarely)", "9 or less (fairly often)", "12 or less (quite often)", "15 or less (almost always)"), cat(Mundane, Social, Mundane Social)}=4 _ with {Involuntary, -5,group(Duty),page(B134),level(1)} _ and {Extremely Hazardous, -5,group(Duty),page(B134),level(1)}, {DI:Reputation (Arrogant), -5/-10,mods(Reputation, Reputation Disadvantage),page(L8),upto(4),conditional(-1 to ST:Reaction, +1 to SK:Indimidation when "your reputation counts", -1 to SK:Intimidation when "your reputation works against you"), cat(Mundane, Social, Influence, Mundane Social, Lite)}=1 _ with {People Affected: Almost everyone in your game world, *1,shortname(Almost everyone),group(Reputation),level(1)} _ and {Frequency of Recognition: All the time, *1,shortname(All the time),group(Reputation),level(1)}, {AD:DX Bonus from Temporal Elf, 20, gives(+1.0 to ST:DX)}, {AD:IQ Bonus from Temporal Elf, 20, gives(+1.0 to ST:IQ)}, {DI:ST Penalty from Temporal Elf, -10, gives(-1.0 to ST:ST)}_ ) Ent, displaycost(57), cost(0), cat(Racial Templates), description(), page(Ath?), race(Ent), noresync(yes), owns(yes), adds(_ {AD:Chameleon}=4 _ with {"Always On", -10%,group(Chameleon),page(B41),level(1),valuenum(-10)}, {AD:Damage Resistance}=13 _ with {"Tough Skin", -40%,group(Damage Resistance),page(B47),level(1),valuenum(-40)}, {AD:Lifting ST}=13, {AD:Regrowth}, {DI:Decreased Time Rate}, {DI:No Fine Manipulators}, {SK:Camouflage}=12.0pts_ ), creates(_ {AD:Injury Tolerance, 0,displaycost(variable),mods(Injury Tolerance),page(B60), cat(Exotic, Physical, Exotic Physical)} _ with {"No Blood", +5,group(Injury Tolerance),page(B61),level(1),valuenum(5)} _ and {"No Vitals", +5,group(Injury Tolerance),page(B61),level(1),valuenum(5)}, {DI:Sense of Duty (Trees), -2/-5/-10/-15/-20,levelnames(Individual, Small Group, Large Group, Entire Race, Every Living Being),page(B153),upto(5),conditional(=+2 to ST:Reaction when "in dangerous situations if Sense of Duty is known"), cat(Mundane, Mental, Mundane Mental)}=3, {AD:Basic Move Bonus from Ent, 25, gives(+5.0 to ST:Basic Move)}, {DI:DX Penalty from Ent, -40, gives(-2.0 to ST:DX)}, {AD:HT Bonus from Ent, 10, gives(+1.0 to ST:HT)}, {AD:IQ Bonus from Ent, 20, gives(+1.0 to ST:IQ)}, {AD:ST Bonus from Ent, 24, gives(+6.0 to ST:ST)}, {AD:Size Modifier Bonus from Ent, 0, gives(+2 to ST:Size Modifier)}_ ) Faun, displaycost(33), cost(0), cat(Racial Templates), description(), page(Ath ?), race(Faun), noresync(yes), owns(yes),re adds(_ {AD:Charisma}=2, {AD:Cultural Adaptability}=1, {AD:Empathy}, {AD:Musical Ability}=1, {AD:Smooth Operator}=1, {DI:Lecherousness} _ with {You resist on a roll of 9 or less (fairly often), *1.5,shortname(9 or less),group(Self-Control),page(B121),level(1)}_ ), creates(_ {AD:HT Bonus from Faun, 10, gives(+1.0 to ST:HT)}, {DI:ST Penalty from Faun, -10, gives(-1.0 to ST:ST)}_ ) Gnome, displaycost(25), cost(0), cat(Racial Templates), description(), page(Ath ?), race(Gnome), noresync(yes), owns(yes), adds(_ {AD:Acute Taste & Smell}=2, {AD:Artificer}=2, {AD:Gadgeteer}=1, {AD:Hard to Kill}=1, {AD:Lightning Calculator}, {PE:Alcohol Tolerance}, {DI:Absent-Mindedness}, {DI:Curious} _ with {You resist on a roll of 9 or less (fairly often), *1.5,shortname(9 or less),group(Self-Control),page(B121),level(1)}, {QU:Imaginative}_ ), creates(_ {AD:Hit Points Bonus from Gnome, 4, gives(+2.0 to ST:Hit Points)}, {AD:HT Bonus from Gnome, 10, gives(+1.0 to ST:HT)}, {DI:ST Penalty from Gnome, -20, gives(-2.0 to ST:ST)}, {DI:Size Modifier Penalty from Gnome, 0, gives(-1 to ST:Size Modifier)}_ ) Male Troll, displaycost(34), cost(0), cat(Racial Templates), description(), page(Ath ?), race(Troll), noresync(yes), owns(yes), adds(_ {AD:Acute Hearing}=2, {AD:Amphibious}, {AD:Breath-Holding}=2, {AD:Combat Reflexes}, {AD:Damage Resistance}=4, {AD:Discriminatory Smell}, {AD:Extended Lifespan}=1, {AD:Fearlessness}=4, {AD:Night Vision}=8 _ with {"Visually impaired by day", *0,group(Night Vision),page(F130),conditional(-1 to ST:Vision when "in daylight"),level(1),valuenum(0)}, {AD:Photographic Memory} _ with {"Preparation Required", -20%/-30%/-50%/-60%,levelnames(1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours),upto(4),group(_General),page(B114),level(3),valuenum(-50)}, {AD:Regeneration}=4 _ with {"Heals Radiation", +40%,group(Regeneration),page(B80),level(1),valuenum(40)} _ and {"Mitigator: vulnerable", -60%,group(_General),page(B112),level(1),valuenum(-60)}, {DI:Appearance}=2, {DI:Bad Temper} _ with {"You resist on a roll of 12 or less (quite often)", *1,shortname(12 or less),group(Self-Control),page(B121),level(1),valuenum(1)}, {DI:Disturbing Voice}, {DI:Dyslexia}, {DI:Gluttony} _ with {"You resist on a roll of 12 or less (quite often)", *1,shortname(12 or less),group(Self-Control),page(B121),level(1),valuenum(1)}, {DI:Nocturnal} _ with {"Permanent Paralysis", +100%,group(Nocturnal),page(B146),level(1),valuenum(100)}, {DI:Social Stigma (Monster)}, {QU:Code of Honor (Carries out spoken agreements)}_ ), creates(_ {AD:HT Bonus from Troll Male, 10,gives(+1.0 to ST:HT)}, {AD:Perception Bonus from Troll Male, 10,gives(+2.0 to ST:Perception)}, {AD:Size Modifier Bonus from Troll Male, 0,gives(+1 to ST:Size Modifier)}, {AD:ST Bonus from Troll Male, 10,gives(+1.0 to ST:ST)}, {DI:IQ Penalty from Troll Male, -40,gives(-2.0 to ST:IQ)}, {DI:Odious Personal Habit (Eats Sapiant beings), -5/-10,upto(3),page(B22),conditional(-1 to ST:Reaction when "people notice your problem"), cat(Mundane, Social, Other Physical Features, Mundane Social)}=3, {DI:Tech Level Penalty from Troll Male, -5,gives(-1.0 to ST:Tech Level)}_ ) Troll Female, displaycost(83), cost(0), cat(Racial Templates), description(), page(Ath ?), race(Troll), noresync(yes), owns(yes), adds(_ {AD:Acute Hearing}=2, {AD:Amphibious}, {AD:Breath-Holding}=2, {AD:Combat Reflexes}, {AD:Damage Resistance}=2, {AD:Discriminatory Smell}, {AD:Extended Lifespan}=1, {AD:Fearlessness}=4, {AD:Magery}=4, {AD:Magery 0}, {AD:Night Vision}=8 _ with {"Visually impaired by day", *0,group(Night Vision),page(F130),conditional(-1 to ST:Vision when "in daylight"),level(1),valuenum(0)}, {AD:Photographic Memory} _ with {"Preparation Required", -20%/-30%/-50%/-60%,levelnames(1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours),upto(4),group(_General),page(B114),level(3),valuenum(-50)}, {AD:Regeneration}=4 _ with {"Heals Radiation", +40%,group(Regeneration),page(B80),level(1),valuenum(40)} _ and {"Mitigator: vulnerable", -60%,group(_General),page(B112),level(1),valuenum(-60)}, {AD:Single-Minded}, {AD:Unusual Background (Archmage)}=1, {DI:Appearance}=2, {DI:Bad Temper} _ with {"You resist on a roll of 12 or less (quite often)", *1,shortname(12 or less),group(Self-Control),page(B121),level(1),valuenum(1)}, {DI:Disturbing Voice}, {DI:Dyslexia}, {DI:Gluttony} _ with {"You resist on a roll of 12 or less (quite often)", *1,shortname(12 or less),group(Self-Control),page(B121),level(1),valuenum(1)}, {DI:Nocturnal} _ with {"Permanent Paralysis", +100%,group(Nocturnal),page(B146),level(1),valuenum(100)}, {DI:Social Stigma (Monster)}, {QU:Proud}, {QU:Uncongenial}_ ), creates(_ {AD:HT Bonus from Troll Female, 10,gives(+1.0 to ST:HT)}, {AD:Perception Bonus from Troll Female, 10,gives(+2.0 to ST:Perception)}, {AD:Size Modifier Bonus from Troll Female, 0,gives(+1 to ST:Size Modifier)}, {AD:ST Bonus from Troll Female, 10,gives(+1.0 to ST:ST)}, {DI:IQ Penalty from Troll Female, -40,gives(-2.0 to ST:IQ)}, {DI:Odious Personal Habit (Eats Sapiant beings), -5/-10,upto(3),page(B22),conditional(-1 to ST:Reaction when "people notice your problem"), cat(Mundane, Social, Other Physical Features, Mundane Social)}=3, {DI:Tech Level Penalty from Troll Female, -5,gives(-1.0 to ST:Tech Level)}_ )