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The Powers of Ellineterra

    In the land of Ellineterra there are three supernatural power types. First is magic the most practiced most well known. Second is the power of psychic which is known about in scholarly circles and by the psychics themselves. Finally is the power of ki, an almost unrecognized power even by some of its users. Each of these powers make up the super natural forces in Ellineterra. One or more in combination are responsible almost every wonder observed.  The graph to the right illustrates how common each of the powers is. For example Magic is responsible for  68% of the supernatural events. Not included in this chart are the special powers such as bloodline abilities, gifts, and doomsday abilities. 


   Magic is the power of knowledge. It relies on the ability of those who wield it to understand the forces of nature and how things react to each other. While it is possible to wield magic without such an understanding it is less useful. Unfortunately that is how most of the magic user of  Ellineterra do it. The wizards rote memorize spells, bards sing without understanding how it works, druids and priests pray for power from practically what ever they choose, and sorcerers draw the power from some source without even a hint of its true potential. There are very few who truly understand what magic is.


Psychicis the power of Will. The stronger the will of the wielder the stronger the psychic power. Their power rely s on their will bend reality to what they desire. The stronger the will of the psychic the more that can be done with their power. The wielders of  the power of psychic are psychic. But many wielders of this power hide their true power to avoid trouble with others.

Ki (Chi, Chakra)

Ki is the power of body. The stronger the body the stronger the Ki. Most of the time Ki is unrecognized for its true potential. The power to move to jump higher, run faster, and hit harder. Few people actually understand the true limits of their bodies. The only notible ki users are the monks and barbarian classes. 

Special Powers

If you did not think that the other powers were enough. think about people who can use any of the powers inately, can rebuild the world at will, or can suppress the ability to use powers. That is what these powers entail. All the bloodlines are listed in here along with the gifts and super powers.